Last Thursday, we brought together a group of hashtag#processmining leaders for our Center of Enablement (CoE) leaders united event! 👏
At the event, we focused on sharing best practices for building and maturing a hashtag#CoE.
➡ In an exclusive setting, we inspired our guests with engaging presentations from Bright Cape’s process mining experts and from guest CoE leaders from various industries, using different process mining software.
This was followed by a roundtable discussion on the most voted hashtag#centerofenablement questions from our attendees. ❓
Their feedback? The event was packed with valuable and actionable insights, including:
🔹 Bright Cape’s framework for maximizing the value of process mining and successful company-wide roll-out including the four pillars: People, Process, Technology & Strategy.
🔹 That a value-first approach means using process mining for strategically relevant process improvements driven by business needs. In which it is essential to have the right business owner on board before you start.
🔹 Ensuring executive buy-in from the start facilitates and accelerates a successful roll-out. Our top tip for achieving this is to contribute to strategically relevant initiatives and partner with complementary capabilities.
We want to thank our amazing speakers during this event 🙌 : Wilfred van den Berg, Fabio DiChiara, Katrin Kostova 😎, João Pereira, and Mirle Willems.
Interested in learning more about best practices and lessons learned? Or would you like to get a consultation tailored to your organization’s (aspired) CoE?
👉 Get in touch with our experts: Paul Veendrick, Katrin Kostova 😎 or Maurits Akkerman!