EyeOn achieves ISO 27001 Information Security certification! 🎓
Over the last period, our Information Security team has shown great effort and skill in ensuring that EyeOn could meet the highest global security standards for its information security management system, across all areas of our organization.
➡ A great achievement, as hashtag#ISO27001 is the leading international standard for information security and is recognized as the benchmark for best practice all around the world.
Achieving this new milestone in our security roadmap demonstrates to our customers our ability to protect the confidentiality and integrity of information and our ongoing commitment to meeting this globally recognized standard and structure. 🥇
Thank you to DigiTrust for guiding us through the audit!
Join us in congratulating our hard-working team on this great achievement 👏: Bas Ramaekers & Dan Roozemond, Ralph Janssens, Freek Aertsen & Pieter van den Tillaart
Learn more about our road toward certification here: 🔗 https://lnkd.in/ey3hRCN8
hashtag#informationsecurity hashtag#eyeon